Obtain a Christian education at Pend Oreille Adventist School
Located in a rural, country setting, Pend Oreille Valley Adventist School (PVA)
melds together old country schoolhouse charm with up-to-date technology.
Students and teachers enjoy one-on-one interaction in the classroom, as well as
in God’s great book of nature, and develop a close bond with one another. The
knowledge of God is taught openly and freely and is woven into all subjects.
Students who have graduated from PVA say they were reluctant to leave, but
happily report that they were amply prepared for their future studies in Academy
or high school. Every year, the Lord brings together a small group of students
who learn and grow together, both scholastically and in character. It is a precious
delight to participate in educating and training the children, and to see the Lord’s
hand in their development. If you hear the Lord’s quiet prompting, directing you
to participate in some way with the school, be assured that PVA would love to
hear from you, and will probably have several ways your talents can be used!
Volunteers at PVA are much- loved and appreciated! If you think your child or
grandchild (or neighbor child) would thrive in a small school where the subjects
can be tailored to his or her personal needs, just give PVA a call at 208-437-2638.
Make an appointment and come for a visit; the staff and students would love to
meet you and show you around!
PVA also operates a small store where you can order ABC foods and pick them up
at the school. When you order cases of food, the school receives a profit which
benefits PVA, and you pay the same price as you would at the ABC, without the
long drive! We accept cash, checks, and credit cards. Simply call (208) 437-2638,
and leave a message, and the office administrator will return your call and take
your order. You will then be notified when your order has arrived.